Ballroom Zilvinas Kempinas
Filed under by Unknown on 13:13
ROLL TAPE by Ben Davis. Zilvinas Kempinas’ "post-minimalist disco dungeon," Ballroom . This is a fantastic installation at Yvonne Lambert - I highly recommend visiting it in person because no video or photograph could capture the strangely An installation by Lithuanian artist Zilvinas Kempinas has opened today at Yvon Lambert Gallery. Don’t even bother with Roman Opalka’s pale paintings in the front room, but skip (cautiously) into the main space, whose walls are covered in loosely hung Zilvinas Kempinas: Ballroom, Yvon Lambert, New York, 09/2010; Yvon Lambert New York is pleased to announce Zilvinas Kempinas first solo exhibition at on 7:53 Zilvinas Kempinas: Slow Motion at Museum Tinguely, Basel by VernissageTV 754 views 4:35 Expo Roy Lichtenstein � Beaubourg by Elisabeth Itti 2 views Ballroom, 2010. Wonderful art installation created by ZILVINAS KEMPINAS, a Lithuanian artist ( Plunge,1969) who lives and works in New York. Zilvinas Kempinas. 12/31/69. Yvon Lambert. By Eleanor Heartney. The work was titled Ballroom, a word that nicely sums up its festive atmosphere. Tube, Lithuanian Pavilion @Venice Biennial 2009. Ballroom, 2010 @ Yvon Lambert, NYC. Posted 13th September 2012 by Jay Rosen Zilvinas Kempinas continues to garner critical praise for his installation ‘Tube’ in Venice. at the Miami Beach Convention Center (Ballroom A,
Spectacular installations by Pipilotti Rist and Zilvinas Kempinas challenge our perceptions with dazzling lights and seductive surfaces. | Zilvinas Kempinas' solo exhibition at Galerija Vartai in Vilnius, Lithuania showcases five of Kempinas' installations: Columns